Wellcome to National Portal
মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
Main Comtent Skiped

What and how to get services

1. Acceptance and implementation of all activities of Union Parishads. 

2. Implementation of rural infrastructure maintenance activities. 

3. Upazila fertilizer and seed division.

 4. Implementation of family planning activities.

 5. Providing educational assistance / distributing books / providing stipends to students. 

6. Convening a meeting of the Secondary Education Committee and implementing the decision.

7. Undertake demesne distribution activities among landless families and renew leases of V.P properties.

8. Widow Allowance / Husband Abandonment Allowance / Elderly Allowance.

9. Undertake 100% sanitation and potable water supply activities in public health.

10. Implementation of A, D, B activities / Implementation of various government primary school construction activities. 

11. Lease of Jal Mahal below 20 acres. 

12. V.G.D program implementation. 

13. Performing selection activities of disable people.

14. Implementation of various loan disbursement activities in B, R, D, B / Youth Development Department. 

15. Acceptance and disposal of certificate cases. 

16. Implementation of cooperative and shelter / housing loan activities.

17. Hat Bazar management.